
Paper UDON: A case for offloading to general purpose compute on CXL memory
Jon Hermes, Josh Minor, Minjun Wu, Adarsh Patil, Eric Van Hensbergen
Workshop on Heterogeneous Composable and Disaggregated Systems (HCDS) @ ASPLOS, April 2024, [Best Paper Award]
pdf, slides, [DOI]
Thesis Co-designing Reliability and Performance for Datacenter Memory
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Paper Āpta: Fault-tolerant object-granular CXL disaggregated memory for accelerating FaaS
Adarsh Patil, Vijay Nagarajan, Nikos Nikoleris, Nicolai Oswald
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June 2023 (accept rate: 47/235 ≈ 20%)
pdf, slides, talk, code, [DOI]
Paper Dvé: Improving DRAM Reliability and Performance On-Demand via Coherent Replication
Adarsh Patil, Vijay Nagarajan, Rajeev Balasubramonian, Nicolai Oswald
International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2021 (accept rate: 76/406 ≈ 18%)
pdf, slides, talk, poster, code, [DOI]
Talk Improving Reliability and Performance of Datacenter Systems via Coherence - slides, talk
Adarsh Patil
ARM / UEd Autumn 2021 Conference, October 2021
Talk Bolt: Function-as-a-Service with Disaggregated Shared Memory - slides
Adarsh Patil
UK System Research Workshop 2021, December 2021
Thesis Heterogeneity Aware Shared DRAM Cache for Integrated Heterogeneous Systems
Master of Science (Engineering), Department of CSA, IISc
pdf, slides, [DOI]
Paper HAShCache: Heterogeneity-Aware Shared DRAMCache for Integrated Heterogeneous Systems
Adarsh Patil, R Govindarajan
ACM Trans. Arch. and Code Optim. (TACO), Volume 14, Issue 4 - December 2017 (accept rate: ≈ 30%)
IISc EECS Research Students Symposium, April 2017, [Best Poster Award]
pdf, slides, poster, code, [DOI]
Paper TLB and Pagewalk Performance in Multicore Architectures with Large Die-Stacked DRAM Cache - pdf, slides
Adarsh Patil, R Govindarajan
CSA Perspective Seminar 2015, arXiv
Thesis Spoken Language Identification Using Machine Learning - pdf, slides
Adarsh Patil, Harsha K C, Akshay Joshi, Pramod N, Srinivasa K G
Bachelor of Engg (B.E.) Project, [Best Project Award]
Paper SNIDS: An Intelligent Multiclass Support Vector Machines Based NIDS - pdf
Srinivasa K G, Adarsh Patil, Harsha K C, Akshay Joshi and Pramod N
ICECIT 2012, DRDO Funded Project
Professional Activities - Voluntary

- • Reviewer / Program committee - HPCA 2025, MICRO 2024, IEEE CAL 2023, IEEE CAL 2021
- • Content editor - ACM SIGARCH (March 2024 - Present)
- • Web chair - HPCA 2024
- • Trustee & Liaison officer - Dr. M R Gorbal Foundation
- • Univ of Edinburgh, Informatics science communication group (Dec 2021 - Nov 2023)

Dvé: Memory Replication for Reliability and Performance
Research Paper (DSN '23)view →
Improving Reliability and Performance of Datacenter Systems via Coherence
Research Talkview →
Dvé: Memory Replication for Reliability and Performance
Research Paper (ISCA '21)view →
HAShCache: Heterogeneity Aware Shared DRAMCache for IHS
Research Paper (TACO'17)view →
TLB & pagewalk performance in multicore w/ stacked DRAM
Research Report (arXiv)view →
Optimizing Caffe
(DNN Framework) for multicore / SIMD processorsCompiler Optim. Projectview →
Optimizing Image/Video processing algo's for multicore / SIMD processors
Compiler Optim. Projectview →
Branch Prediction in Android
Comp. architecure Projectview →
Dynamic Scoping for Clang Compiler
Compiler Projectview →
Identifying Error-prone Predicates of SQL Quries
Database Projectview →
µ-Architecture of Scale-out applications
Comp. architecure Projectview →
Data Science Specialization - Coursera
MOOC: John Hopinks Univview →
Spoken Language Detection
ML Projectview →
Line Birds
OpenGL Projectview →
Intelligent Network Intrusion Detection System
ML projectview →