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Embrace the age of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

14th October 2011
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is defined as "scientific discipline concerned with the design and development of algorithms that allow computers to evolve behaviors based on empirical data, such as from sensor data or databases". True to its definition the way we live and perceive the world is about to undergo a quantum change.

In the coming decade, Artificial Intelligence and its application to everyday life will be the driving factor of innovation and economic growth.Every sector telecom, banking, insurance, homes, television, commerce, manufacturing, biotech, science, internet will come succumb to it.If you can't keep up with it you will lag or be lost to history.

What A.I. will do to current jobs and businesses will be difficult to watch. Everytime it learns to do something, there will be people and companies that are left behind. They will feel like someone just ripped off one of their limps. Imagine A.I. helps you prepare your monthly reports. Will you need the staff in the IT department who knows how to write reports and screens?

In the next decade, thanks to the middle man called Artificial Intelligence, humans will perceive their computers as indispensable servants. The genuine intelligence of the human mind and the computer’s incredible ability to do dull work at amazing speeds will melt together. You will talk, you will touch, you will imagine and the servant will make it happen.

If A.I. knows about insurance, will you ever google for it? What if A.I. can help you with getting a degree, finding a hosting solution, travel, accident claim, setting up a conference call, hotel recommendations, loans, market trends which happen to be the top 10 keywords Google makes its money from. What then? What if your business depends on Google for customers? I can give examples on and on, but i think i am clearly highlighting the point.

This is reality, question is where do you stand??
This is not some futuristic bullshit. It is not intellectual masturbation /*pardon me for the slang*/ . It is all happening now. Entrepreneurs; start imagining and prepare your pitches. VC’s; make your bets. Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon, eBay and the like; either wake up and catch up to IBM and Apple or become irrelevant along the way. Traditional software developers; adapt or join the unemployment line. Managers; save a seat for the invisible member of every meeting. And as last but not the least…Consumers; buckle up, because this is going to be an amazing ride.

With the introduction of Siri in iPhone 4S the new revolution has begun /*Mark my words*/ For those of you who still think Siri is a voice recognition software, think again and read here.

As usual, Comments are welcome!

Comments (1)

October 15, 2011

Dude stop watching too many movies..


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