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HAShCache: Heterogeneity Aware Shared DRAMCache for Integrated Heterogeneous Systems (IHS)

► Appears in ACM Transactions on Architecture & Code Optimization - TACO 2017
► Presented at HiPEAC 2018, Manchester, UK
IISc EECS 2017 Best Poster Award
► Source code available on Github

What is HAShCache?

It is a shared last-level die-stacked DRAM cache for a integrated heterogeneous CPU-GPU processor. HAShCache is heterogeneity-aware and can adapt dynamically to address the inherent disparity of demands in such an architecture. It combines an intelligent DRAM request scheduler (PrIS), a selective temporal bypass scheme (ByE) and an cache-line occupancy controlling mechanism (Chaining).

Features and Properties

(a) Provides low average memory access latency for CPU requests
(b) Ability to utilize aggregate bandwidth of stacked DRAM and off-chip DRAM
(c) Intelligent DRAM request Scheduling: prioritization scheme for scheduling CPU requests at the DRAMCache controller;
(d) selective and temporal bypassing scheme for CPU requests
(e) working set aware occupancy controlling mechanism for GPU lines in the DRAMCache through pseudo-associativity

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